Friday, February 17, 2006

State #3

I did it! I signed up for the Chicago Marathon on October 22, 2006. I am already excited!!


KBGee said...

Congrats on committing to the marathon. I'm sure you'll be more than ready when October rolls around. Incidentially, if I can't get into the Marine Corps Marathon, I'm considering either the Chicago or Richmond marathon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on signing up for the Chicago Marathon. I too am running the event and am excited. Cagey, you're thinking of either running the Richmond OR Chicago? The choice should be obvious, join the 40,000 runners in Chicago!!

Tiggs said...

hey, I'm running it with TNT for sure.

Erin said...

Hooray for Chicago! I'd love to do it some day, but I just don't see me training during the nasty ass heat of the summer. At least not until I drop a LOT more weight. Who knows... maybe next year.

However, to get a new state, I've decided to run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in Nashville in April with Erica, Bill, & Beverly. Should be good times.