Saturday, October 11, 2008

Please stop

Why do people think it is okay to send candidate bashing or candidate loving e-mails to everyone in their address book?

Just because they hate/love John McCain or hate/love Barack Obama doesn't mean I do.
Just because they are pro-life/pro-choice doesn't mean I am.
Just because they are gun lovers/gun haters doesn't mean I am.
Just because they do/do not believe in global warming doesn't mean I do.
Just becuase they are/are not for the war in Irag doesn't mean I am.
Just because they are conservative/liberal doesn't mean I am.

I do not push my beliefs on them, why do they think it is acceptable to push theirs on me? I want to respond and say to not send me their political BS, but then I wonder if that would add fuel to the fire or they are family and friends.

I have made up my mind who I am going to vote for and none of your idiotic e-mails are going to get me to change my mind - so please stop sending them!

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